Room Reservation

Reserve a Study Room or the Community Room by clicking here.

When reserving a room you agree to abide by the Full Meeting & Study Room Policy below.

IMPORTANT: Community Room users are required to sign and return an Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement BEFORE their reservation.

Reservations are limited to three hours per day. Additional time may be granted by library staff if the room is available.

You must be 12 years of age or older to reserve a study room.

Full Meeting & Study Room Policy

POLICY:  Meeting & Study Room Use

AUTHORIZED BY:  Board of Trustees

APPROVED DATE: 4/13/2000


Purpose: The George Culver Community Library has a program/meeting room (Community Room) available for library activities and use by community groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, civic or not for profit activities in keeping with the mission of the George Culver Community Library. The Library also offers study rooms for individuals and small groups so they may meet in a space with limited distractions.

Policy: Meeting room and study room facilities will be made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. Rooms are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. No charge will be made by the library for the use of the meeting rooms. 

Users agree to abide by the Library’s Patron Conduct Policy and accept responsibility for all damages caused to the building and/or equipment beyond normal wear.


  1. The Community Room may be used for:
    1. meetings for groups of 6 or more which are open to the public;
    2. public lectures, panel discussions, film and slide presentations, group meetings and discussions, workshops, and other similar functions;
    3. groups engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, governmental or charitable activities.
  2. A group representative must sign an Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement before the first meeting.
  3. The Library cannot assure privacy in the meeting room. The History Room and Friends of the Library Room may be accessed during meetings.
  4. A group representative must notify the Library when meetings are cancelled. More than two instances of not notifying the library for cancelled meetings may result in suspension of meeting room privileges.


  1. Any individual age 12 and older may reserve a study room.
  2. The individual reserving the room shall remain present in the room other than for brief breaks.
  3. Study rooms may be reserved for 3 hours a day per person. Additional time may be granted by library staff if the room is available, but the study room cannot be reserved beyond 3 hours.
  4. Same-day reservations and walk-ins are welcome, provided all other qualifications are met.
  5. Study room reservations may be released if the rooms are not occupied within 15 minutes of the reservation start time.
  6. The Library cannot ensure privacy in the study rooms. Rooms are not soundproof and noise may carry.
  7. Preference for main level study rooms will be given to those with accessibility needs.


All individuals reserving any room shall be responsible, ensuring the room is left in the condition in which it was found. Additionally:

  1. Chairs and tables should be returned to their original locations.
  2. Trash and recycling must be placed in appropriate cans.
  3. Meetings must be held during the library’s hours of operation unless prior approval is given by the Library Board of Trustees.
  4. Library staff shall have unrestricted access to meeting and study rooms at all times.
  5. The rooms may not be used for any purpose which may interfere with the regular operation of the library by causing excessive noise, a safety hazard, and/or security risk.
  6. The sale of goods or services or the solicitation of future sales or services without specific permission of the Library Director. “Solicitation” is any act or attempt to advertise, market, or sell any product or service or to seek paid membership in any organization, or to obtain a donation/contribution;
  7. Rooms may not be used for personal or family parties.
  8. Any printed or electronic publicity or marketing materials that include the Library’s name and address must include the disclaimer: “This event is not sponsored by the George Culver Community Library.”
  9. Meetings and study room use must conclude ten (10) minutes before the library closes.

Limitations: Library projects or meetings shall take precedence over any group meetings. Library staff may re-assign groups to another room based on library activities and availability. Reservations may be cancelled due to emergency closings. The Library Director or designee shall have final authority regarding use of Library meeting rooms and/or cancellation or discontinuance of room reservations.

Liability: The Library Board and staff assume no liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the Library. The Library Board and staff assume no liability for equipment, supplies, materials, clothing or other items brought to the library.